For several years, the way to acquire competencies to deploy on Rapid Response deployments has been through attending formalized Red Cross Red Crescent (RC/RC) Movement trainings. While this is one way to learn and develop, it is recognized that there are a variety of ways for an individual to progress along their learning path. With the surge principles in mind, the IFRC has launched an initiative to support developing missions. The Developing Mission initiative focuses on mobilizing individuals who are interested to acquire the competencies for a particular role profile, and to do this through on the job learning while being supported by an experienced mentor.
The aim of these Developing Mission Guidelines is to facilitate the deployment of developing profiles during humanitarian responses and further increase the pool of surge delegates, the quality of the deployed delegates and ultimately the quality of the IFRC supported operations in responding to humanitarian needs. The mechanisms and procedures around developing deployments are the main object of these guidelines.
To read more on the learning process during a developing mission, please check this guide.